Energy's name: Solar Energy


Resultat d'imatges de solar energy

Primary or secondary energy: Solar energy is primary

Renewable or no renewable: Solar energy is renewable

Traditional or alternative energy: It is alternative

Brief definition: The solar energy comes from the sun. This energy can be catch it with machines.

Advantages: It's renowable, this means thet we always have it when it's day and sunny. It doesn't pollute.

Problems: If it's cloudy we can't get energy because the thunders from the sun doesn't arrives


The solar enregy it' very easy to get it. You only have to get a solar panel and if you don't pass to much taime in house you can buy a battery to save the restant energy.
In big industries, in a very famous fabric, in Cadiz, they have a big tower to reflex the sun bolts.
Resultado de imagen de planta de energia solar cadiz


The other type of fotovoltaic plants are the mirrors. It's a circumference and in a middle of that there is a big fotovoltaic panel. This makes the plant can get energy all the day and also more energy becauese it get of the fotovoltaic panels and directly of the sun.

Resultat d'imatges de espejo dibujo

Resultat d'imatges de espejo dibujo


A photovoltaic power plant is a set of facilities for the supply of electricity to the grid through the use of large-scale photovoltaic systems. The function of the photovoltaic power station is solar energy and solar energy.

The operation of all the equipment in the plant is monitored from the control room. In the control room, information is received from the different systems of the installation: meteorological tower, inverter, DC and AC cabinets, transformation center, etc.


You can get it if you have a solar panel and if you want, a battery. First you have yo put the solar panels un the roof of the house in a form that it can catch the bolts. Then you connect the battery yo the solar panel for save the energy whe you aren’t at home or you aren’t using electricity. This have beneficies becouse you don’t have to pay the electricity but if it isn’t sun you don’t get energy.

Resultat d'imatges de house with solar panels


Hey! Here are some videos that tell you about solar energy.